About the Danish Resuscitation Council

The Danish Resuscitation Council is an interdisciplinary organization consisting of 23 member organizations including medical scientific societies, the emergency medical services of the five Danish regions and organizations working with resuscitation or stroke.

The Danish Resuscitation Council works to improve survival of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and stroke in Denmark. We do this by raising public awareness of the signs of cardiac arrest and stroke, promoting training in CPR in accordance with ERC guidelines, and improving treatment for stroke. Our target groups are both laymen and professionals.

Each year, the Danish Resuscitation Council organizes a number of activities which facilitate progress within the areas of cardiac arrest and stroke. Our principal activities are:

  • The Restart a Heart Day in Denmark: This is a yearly event with more than 80 locations nationwide. Citizens receive introductions to performing CPR and learn about the importance of reacting quickly when recognizing an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
  • The Resuscitation Conference: Professionals from a wide variety of fields within the health care sector meet yearly to hear about the most recent research, discuss best practice and network based on their shared interest in resuscitation after cardiac arrest.
  • The Resuscitation Academy: We gather professionals from the emergency medical services in the five Danish regions and facilitate collaboration and knowledge-sharing between actors 
  • The Stroke Academy: We gather researchers, neurologists, and professionals from emergency medicial services in order to facilitate collaboration and knowledge-sharing
  • The Stroke Day in Denmark: A yearly event with 50 locations across Denmark. Citizens will learn about how to prevent a stroke and how to identify signs of a stroke
  • Media campaign on stroke. We have a nationwide “Save the Brain” campaign twice a year to increase citizens’ ability to identify the signs of stroke. The campaign is part of a larger effort on stroke which will last several years. The overall purpose is to increase recognition, survival and quality of life of stroke survivors.

The Danish Resuscitation Council is part of the European Resuscitation Council which defines the standard for resuscitation guidelines and CPR training in Europe and beyond.